Tuesday, October 7, 2008

You betcha I can read

At a California rally on Saturday, Sarah Palin proposed an interesting reason to support the Republican ticket. She's not known for speaking her own thoughts, preferring to recite talking points and rattle off Ronald Reagan lines punctuated with a red-light district wink. But she has taken it to a new level: misquoting Starbucks cups, perhaps the only source of news she will confess to reading. She said, "I'm reading on my Starbucks mocha cup, okay? The quote of the day... It was Madeleine Albright, former Secretary of State [crowd boos] and UN ambassador. ... Now she said it, I didn't. She said, 'There's a special place in hell reserved for women who do not support other women.'" [My emphasis.]

Given the popularity of Starbucks and the fame of the quote's source, it didn't take long for someone to call foul. Turns out the quote actually goes like this: "There's a special place in hell reserved for women who do not help other women." [Again my emphasis.] Now, I'm not surprised to find the Republican ticket misquoting and twisting facts--or quite simply pulling them out of their ass--for their own political gain. That's not even news anymore.

What strikes me most is the irony. Has there ever been a mainstream platform more anti-woman? A woman who vehemently defends the sanctity of marriage and then forces two teenagers into loveless wedlock? A man who does not believe in equal pay for working women? A woman who can speak knowledgeably only about repealing Roe v. Wade? A man who voted against protecting women from terrorists who target abortion clinics?

Maybe there is a special place in hell reserved for women who do not help other women. If there is, Palin better start praying for salvation right now.

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